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Can an Intelligent Tutoring System Predict Math Proficiency as Well as a Standardized Test?


It has been reported in previous work that students’ online tutoring data collected from intelligent tutoring systems can be used to build models to predict actual state test scores. In this paper, we replicated a previous study to model students’ math proficiency by taking into consideration students’ response data during the tutoring session and their help-seeking behavior. To extend our previous work, we propose a new method of using students test scores from multiple years (referred to as cross-year data) for determining whether a student model is as good as the standardized test to which it is compared at estimating student math proficiency. We show that our model can do as well as a standardized test. We show that what we assess has prediction ability two years later. We stress that the contribution of the paper is the methodology of using student cross-year state test score to evaluate a student model against a standardized test.

"1.89 that is 11% of the maximum score on half of the test. Since their prediction error in [9] is very close to 11%, they claimed that their approach did as well as MCAS test on predicting math proficiency. In this paper, we propose a different approach to use student cross-year data for determining whether a student model is as good as the standardized test at estimating student proficiency. Assume student math proficiency in the 8th grade and in the 10th grade are highly correlated. Since the 6 Raftery [[13] discussed a Bayesian model selection procedure, in which the author proposed the heuristic of a BIC difference of 10 is about the same as getting a p-value of p = 0.05 measurement error is relatively independent due to the two years time interval between the tests, therefore, whichever (our student model or the MCAS test) better predicts 10th grade MCAS score is better assessing student math skill at 8th grade. Let define MCAS8’ be the leave-one-out7 predicted score for 8th grade MCAS that comes from our best student model, the mixed model; MCAS8 be the actual 8th grade MCAS score and MCAS10 be the actual 10th grade MCAS score. Then we asked the question: Can MCAS8’ predict MCAS10 better than MCAS8 does? To answer the question, we calculated the correlation between the three metrics: MCAS8’, MCAS8 and MCAS10, as presented in Figure 1. Figure 1: Correlation between IRT student proficiency estimate, MCAS8’, MCAS8 and MCAS10. First of all, we want to point out that all correlations in Figure 1 are statistically reliable (p < 0.001). The student proficiency estimated by the lean model correlates with MCAS10 with r equal to .628. It does not do as well as MCAS8 and MCAS8’ as we have expected. Even though, we think it is worth finding out and having this lean model, which is based on less data, as a contrast case. It is the most direct test of the question of whether ASSISTment use could essentially replace the 8th grade test. Both MCAS8 and MCAS8’ are reliable predictors of MCAS10. MCAS8 correlates with MCAS10 with r equal to 0.731 while the correlation between MCAS8’ and MCAS10 is fractionally lower (r = 0.728). A significance test8 shows they are not statistically reliably different, which suggests that our student model can do as well as MCAS test on predicting the MCAS score two years later. Since both MCAS tests are measuring the student’s math proficiency, it can be considered as the evidence that the student model is doing a good job estimating student math proficiency. At the very least, what our system is modeling is relatively stable across a two-year interval. {7} The adjusted predicted score is calculated by doing “leave-one-out” cross validation in SPSS. {8} The test is done online at 4 Discussion. There has been a big interest on modeling student knowledge. Corbett & Bhatnagar [6] describes an early and successful effort to increase the predictive validity of student modeling in the ACT Programming Tutor (APT). They used assessments from a series of short tests to adjust the knowledge tracing process in the tutor and more accurately predict individual differences among students in the post test. Beck & Sison [3] used knowledge tracing to construct a student model that can predict student performance at both coarse- (overall proficiency) and fine-grained (for a particular word in the reading tutor) sizes. Anozie & Junker [1] pursued a rather different approach, looking at the changing influence of online ASSISTment metrics on MCAS performance over time. They computed monthly summaries of online metrics similar to those developed in [8], and built several linear prediction models, predicting end-of-year raw MCAS scores for each month. In [8] we developed the metrics as listed in section 3.2 to measure the amount of assistance a student needs to solve a problem, how fast a student can solve a problem, etc. and showed these metrics helped us better assess students. The result in this paper reinforced our previous result as evaluated by a different approach. In section 3, we describe the method of using student test data from multiple years to compare a student model to a standardized test. Two other approaches have been described in the literature. In [3], Beck & Sison found 3 tests that measures extremely similar constructs to the standardized test that they were interested in. They took the arithmetic mean of those tests as a proxy measure for the true score on the original measure. The pro of this method is that it can be done quickly while the con is that construct validity could be an issue. In [9], we ran a simulation study by “splitting” a standardized test into two parts and the prediction power of the standardized test (actually a half of the standardized test) is determined by how well student performance on one half of the test predicts their performance on the other half. Similarly to the “proxy” measure method in [3], the pro of the “splitting” method is the quickness but it also has some cons. Firstly, if there is measurement error for a particular day (e.g. a student is somewhat ill or just tired), then splitting the test in half will produce a correlated measurement error in both halves, artificially increasing the test's reliability relative to the measure we bring up in this paper (which is not based on data from the same day as the MCAS). Secondly, to do the splitting, it required assess to item level data which is not always available. In this paper, we propose a third method, which is a longitudinal approach. By going across years, we avoid this confound with measurement error, and get a fairer baseline. Though, we do admit that it takes longer time and harder effort to collect data across years (in our case, 3 years). 5 Future work and Conclusions. We will continue working on improving the online assistance metrics. For instance, since the number of hints available is different across problems and the amount of information released in each level of hint differs too, instead of simply summing-up or computing the mean value, we want to construct some weighting function to better measure the amount of assistance students requested to solve a problem. Another piece of work follows up is to predict fine grained knowledge across years. Since our model is clearly capturing something that is predictive of student future performance, we are considering focusing on determining what predicts specific deficits in an area. The research question we want to answer will be: can an 8th grade student model be used to predict the student will have a problem with a specific 10th grade skill? Teachers will be glad to know the answer so that they can adjust their instruction to better help student knowledge learning. In this paper, we replicated the study in [8], showing the online ASSISTment metrics are doing a good job at predicting student math proficiency. On top of that, we propose a new method for evaluating the predictive accuracy of a student model relative to the standardized test, using student standardized test scores across years (2005 through 2007). We found some evidence that we can model student math proficiency as well as the standardized test as measured by the new evaluation criterion. Additionally, we want to stress that this is a rather long-term prediction. The collection of the online data started in September, 2004; the 8th grade MCAS score that we are predicting came in at the end of year 2005; while the 10th grade MCAS score that we used to evaluate our prediction were available at the end of year 2007. We consider the new method as a main contribution of this paper as there are few results showing a student model is as good as a standardized test. We have shown that our model hits this level and have presented an alternative way of performing the comparison. Acknowledgement. This research was made possible by the U.S. Department of Education, Institute of Education Science (IES) grants, “Effective Mathematics Education Research” program grant #R305K03140 and “Making Longitudinal Web-based Assessments Give Cognitively Diagnostic Reports to Teachers, Parents, & Students while Employing Mastery learning” program grant #R305A070440, the Office of Naval Research grant # N00014-03-1-0221, NSF CAREER award to Neil Heffernan, and the Spencer Foundation. All the opinions, findings, and conclusions expressed in this article are those of the authors, and do not reflect the views of any of the funders. Reference. [1] Anozie N., & Junker B. W. (2006). Predicting end-of-year accountability assessment scores from monthly student records in an online tutoring system. In Beck, J., Aimeur, E., & Barnes, T. (Eds). Educational Data Mining: Papers from the AAAI Workshop. Menlo Park, CA: AAAI Press. pp. 1-6. Technical Report WS-06-05. [2] Ayers E., & Junker B. W. (2006). 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