


Unsupervised MDP Value Selection for Automating ITS Capabilities


We seek to simplify the creation of intelligent tutors by using student data acquired from standard computer aided instruction (CAI) in conjunction with educational data mining methods to automatically generate adaptive hints. In our previous work, we have automatically generated hints for logic tutoring by constructing a Markov Decision Process (MDP) that holds and rates historical student work for automatic selection of the best prior cases for hint generation. This method has promise for domain-independent use, but requires that correct solutions be assigned high positive values by the CAI or an expert. In this research we propose a novel method for assigning prior values to student work that depends only on frequency of occurrence for the component steps, and compare how these values impact automatic hint generation when compared to our MDP approach. Our results show that the utility metric outperforms a classic MDP solution in selecting hints in logic. We believe this method will be particularly useful for automatic hint generation for ill-defined domains.

1. We extracted 537 of students’ first attempts at direct solutions to proof 1. An example attempt of proof 1 is shown in Figure 1. Figure 1. Sample student attempt to NCSU Proof. The data were validated by hand, by extracting all statements generated by students, and removing those that 1) were false or unjustifiable, or 2) were of improper format. We also remove all student steps using axioms Conjunction, Double Negation, and Commutative, since students are allowed to skip these steps in the tutorial. After cleaning the data, there were 523 attempts at proof 1. Of these, 381 (73%) were complete and 142 (27%) were partial proofs, indicating that most students completed the proof. The average lengths, including errors, were 13 and 10 steps, respectively, for completed and partial proofs. When excluding errors and removed steps, the average number of lines in each student proof is 6.3 steps. The validation process took about 2 hours for an experienced instructor, and could be automated using the existing truth and syntax-checking program in our tutorial. We realized that on rare occasions, errors are not properly detected in the tutorial (less than 10 premises were removed). Table 1. Sample states derived from example student attempt in Figure 1. An MDP was created from this data using our MDP method resulting in 821 unique states. Table 1 shows the states created in our MDP for the student attempt shown in Figure 1. In the logic proofs domain, a step in the solution is considered to be a new statement added to the previous state. For example, in state 2, the statement ~a v d is the next “step” in the problem, however, since it is an error detected by the software, this statement is deleted and the problem is returned to state 1. 4.2 Utility Process. If our data are labeled, we simply connect all valid solutions to a synthetic goal state. However, when goal states are unknown, we need a way to label or measure correct attempts. Our proposed utility metric is one way that assumes that frequent features are important in the problem solution. From our 523 attempts, we extracted 50 unique statements (including 3 given statements) and calculated their frequencies. A partial sample of the statement-attempts matrix is shown in Table 2. Note that only the first three attempts and only those statements appearing in those three attempts are shown. The complete statements-attempts matrix would contain all 50 statements in rows and all 523 attempts in the columns. To determine statement frequency, we sum each column. Table 2. Sample matrix showing the occurrence of elements in student solution attempts. We then graphed the frequency of each statement, and the frequencies of statements (number 1-47) with more than 1 usage are shown in Figure 2. Statements 1-22 occurred only once in the data, while statements 43-47 occur in over 370 unique student attempts. Since there is variation in correct solutions, we set a low threshold frequency of 8 attempts for statements we might consider “useful” in a proof, and this is true for statements 29-47 and higher. A logic instructor verified that all the statements 29-47could be expected to occur in correct student solutions, while those with fewer were not as useful. The threshold value could be chosen automatically using the frequency profile. Figure 2. Frequency of Statements in Proof. Next we calculate the initial values for MDP states. For the possible goal states (valid terminal states), the initial value was a sum of the individual scores given to the component statements. Each statement score was +5 if its frequency was above the threshold and was -1 for those below. Error states received a value of -2, and all other states started at zero. Finally, after the initial values were set we ran a value iteration algorithm until the state values stabilized. Note that during value iteration, a -1 transaction cost was associated with each action taken. 4.3 Comparing Utility Method to MDP Method. We use an MDP along with its state values to generate hints that provide students with details of the best next state reachable from their current state [3]. To compare the utility method to our traditional MDP method we compared the effects of state values on the choice of the “best” next state. Both methods create the same 821 states, of which 384 were valid, non-error states. From the valid states, 180 states had more than one action resulting in new state. These 180 states are the ones that we focused on since these are the only states that could lead to different hints between the two methods. Comparing the two methods, they agree on the next best state in 163 states out of 180 (90.56%). For the remaining 17 states where the two methods disagreed, experts identified 4 states where the MDP method identified the better choice, 9 states where the utility method identified the better choice, and 4 states where the methods were essentially equivalent. These 17 states can be seen in Table 3, with the highlighted cells marking the expert choice. Table 3. States where the methods disagree (17 total states). These results show that the unsupervised utility metric does at least as good a job as the traditional MDP method in determining state values even when it is not known if the student attempt was successful. In all cases, the hints that would be delivered with either method would be helpful and appropriate. We believe that the utility metric provides a strong way to bias our hint selection toward statements derived by a majority of students, which may give students hints at a more appropriate level. Before we derived the utility metric presented here, we considered modifying MDP values by combining them in a weighted sum with a utility factor after value iteration had been completed. In our first attempt to integrate frequency and usefulness into a single metric, we analyzed all of our attempts to find derived statements that were necessary to complete the proof, by doing a recursive search for reference lines starting from the conclusion back through a student’s proof. For each attempt, this “used again” value was set to 1 if a derived statement could be reached backward from the goal, and zero otherwise. We summed the total times a statement was used again, and compared this with the total times a statement occurred in attempts. Table 4 shows the comparison of the frequency and used again values for all statements where used again was more than 1. The values have no real correlation, but most items that were used again had high (>7) frequencies, so we decided that frequency was a relatively good indictor of usefulness in the logic proof domain. The “used again” calculation is possible in the logic domain because students must provide a justification for the current statement using rules and references to prior statements. In other domains, this may not be possible but we believe that frequency of occurrence in student solutions indicates that a step is either needed, or is a very common step that will only skew state values in a consistent way. Table 4. Comparison of frequency and used again. 5 Conclusion and Future Work. The most important feature of the MDP method is the ability to assign a “value” to the states. This allows the tutor to identify the action that will lead to the next state with the highest value. In this research we have shown that the utility metric that assigns values to terminal states based on the component steps in the state can be used to achieve hint- source decisions as one that assigns a single value to all goal states. The main contribution of this paper is to show how this new utility metric can be used to generate MDP values based on features of student solution attempts. Our results show that the utility metric could be used to achieve equivalent or better hints than our prior single-goal MDP approach. This is significant because the utility metric does not require a known goal state, so it can be applied in domains where the correctness of the student attempts is unknown, or difficult or costly to compute. We believe that this utility metric combined with our MDP method can be used to generate hints for a computer programming tutor. In this domain, it is difficult to say that a program is complete, but it is possible to say whether specific features are represented. The method of using a term- document matrix to determine utility could also be extended into using more complicated LSI techniques which would be a natural fit for tutors using textual answers such as essay response questions. Text based answers are prevalent in legal reasoning and medical diagnosis tutors. In our future work, we plan to construct and compare traditional and utility-based MDPs for other proofs and for student work in other domains. We also plan to analyze our logic tutor hint data to see if the utility method would result in different hints. This will give an indication of how much the utility technique is needed for our logic tutor. We also plan to analyze log data compiled from a C++ programming course to determine what kind of features we might extract and how well we can calculate the utility of those features.

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